
Gold Map is a suite of services and products designed to elevate your senses to increase awareness and connection to self and the world.

Routines are Creative Keys

"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work." - Gustave Flaubert


Whether you're a creative in the traditional sense (as a musician, a dancer, a painter) or as an entrepreneur, inventor, a catalyst, routines are key. As a creative myself, I have historically "flowed" through my day based on inspiration. It's hard to put structure down when you're a creative because you want so much of your work to be an authentic overflow of who you already are, and what you're feeling in the moment. But I've found this way of creating to actually limit me. We can't underestimate the power of habits and routines. Take a look below at how some of the world's greatest creatives structured their days. 

I encourage you today to be strategic -- use some of those creative juices to develop structures around you so you can flow freely in your creative juices and not have to think twice or waste energy deciding on what to do next. It's not anti-creative to plan. It's not anti-creative to have a vision for your path forward. Why re-invent the wheel when you could use your creative powers to make something new?

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To All the Places I've Loved Before: A Prologue

To All the Places I've Loved Before: A Prologue

Persevere for the Harvest