
Gold Map is a suite of services and products designed to elevate your senses to increase awareness and connection to self and the world.

Challenge the Status Quo Within

There is a desperate search for someone who vows to do the right thing, and people are electing leaders who show up waving a magic wand.
— MARTA LAGOS, the director of the polling organization Latinobarómetro, on how the presidential election in Mexico was another sign of disenchantment with the establishment in Latin America.

What if everything you thought was true, wasn't?

It's easy to look outside and make decisions about what others need to do, but the real pathway to growth is challenging the status quo within ourselves. It takes a lot of humility to challenge the status quo within, the thing you consider to be your truth. But it's necessary. It's important. And there's a beautiful tension of holding fast to your convictions while always allowing a greater reality or truth seep in.

Today, whatever your political affiliation, whatever you think you know about yourself or about someone else, whatever you thought was the best structure or method of doing something, let the status quo go. 

Interdependence Over Independence

Fun People (and Businesses) Thrive